Artist Statement
The exhibition, “Femme Fatale, is about trying something new. This show has allowed us to have voices outside of the world of plein air painting. Exploration and experimentation have always been at the forefront of what inspires us. Collaborating for this show has been an exciting journey. From angel wings to termite-carved wood we are discovering and finding new combinations of objects to give voice to our creativity. Found objects are an important way to communicate while respecting our place in the natural world. The materials we use are often discarded in abandoned lots, found in the trash, in thrift stores, or discovered flattened in the street. We use these items as puzzle pieces, which form conversations with our works of art.
What does the Femme Fatale say? She lures men with her darkness and has power in times when no other woman would. What would she say? Throughout history, women have challenged patriarchal authority. Perhaps we are challenging the emphasis on traditional materials as being the most elevated way to engage in artistic dialogs. Perhaps we are challenging the stringent voice within our minds. Perhaps we are challenging the idea of ‘serious art.”
Nicole Thibodeau currently lives in Hays and grew up in Taos, New Mexico. She is very fond of the sound of birds singing and finds old bricks to be visually appealing. She likes books a lot, which is fortunate as she works at the Hays Public Library. She is very grateful for the support of friends and family on her creative journey. Currently, her art is featured at ArtSpace Gallery (Marquette, KS), and online at www.nicolethibodeau.com and on Instagram @creativelexicon.
Shannon Trevethan lives in Russell, Kansas. For almost her entire life, she has said she was going to go join the circus. Although she has had a myriad of jobs through the years, none of them have been in a circus. These days Shannon is settled into her career as an artist and art center director at the Deines Cultural Center. With the help and encouragement from her wonderful, extraordinary friends she is creating her own circus of found objects and curiosities. Her art is online at shannontrevethan.weebly.com.