Pie & Ice cream Social
Join the Lindsborg Smoky Valley Arts and Folklife Center on the second Friday in July from 8-9:30 p.m. on the front lawn of the Red Barn Studio Museum 212 S. Main St. (rain location Smoky Valley Arts & Folklife Center 114 ½ S. Main Lindsborg) Join us for live music, pie-baking contests, Laura Baker‘s Artist reception, and, of course, lots of pies!
Pie is $5 a slice and ice cream is $2 a scoop. Do you want Free pie and ice cream simply bring a homemade pie to the event, which will be held at 212 S Main Street Lindsborg (Red Barn Studio Museum front lawn), and you get two slices of someone else’s pie and two scoops of homemade ice cream for FREE!
For just a $5 entry fee, enter your pie into our Pie Contest for a chance to win the $100 grand prize! 🥇🥧 View the contest entry form, contest info, and judging criteria below.
“Do I have to bring a pie?”
- If you want to enjoy FREE pie & ice cream, yes!
- If you do not bring a pie, it is available for $5/slice and homemade ice cream for $2 donation.
“How do I get my free pie & ice cream?”
- Drop off your pie at The Red Barn between 10am – 5pm, and you will be given tickets to redeem for a slice of someone else’s pie & homemade ice cream! The more pies you bring, the more free pie you can enjoy!!
This event is a fundraiser for SVAFC, a non-profit art center located in Lindsborg, KS. Learn more about our organization here:

Pie Contest Info
- All pies & forms are due Friday, July 12th
- 3pm contest entry forms due. Printed forms can be turned in at Red Barn Studio Museum with $5 entry fee.
- 3pm – Contest pies need to be delivered to The Red Barn by this time.
- 5pm – Judging will begin
- 8pm – Pie Social begins at The Red Barn! (Since you entered the Pie Baking Contest, you will receive tickets to enjoy 2 slices of pie & 2 scoops of homemade ice cream for free at the Pie Social!!)
- 8:30pm – Pie Baking Contest winners announced!

Criteria Pie will be Judged
Pies will be judged in a privet session at 5pm with 3 judges. The judges will be asked to score each pie on a scale of 1-5 (5 being the best) for each of the following criteria. The scores will then be calculated, and the pie with the highest ranking will be the overall winner! The scorecards will then be separated into the pie categories (fruit, cream, nut & miscellaneous), and the pie from each category with the highest score will be the winner of its category.
- 100% homemade pies only. From crust to filling.
Overall Presentation
- Attractiveness: The visual appeal of the pie including color, shape, and decoration.
- Slice Release: How easily the pie slices and transfers to the plate without falling apart.
Pastry (Crust)
- Flakiness: The texture of the crust, with layers that separate easily.
- Tenderness: The softness and ease of chewing without being overly tough.
- Properly Done: The crust should be thoroughly baked without being burnt.
- Flavor: The taste of the crust should complement the filling without overpowering it.
- Properly Sweetened or seasoned (if applicable): Balanced sweetness or saltiness according to the type of pie.
- Thickened: The filling should be sufficiently thickened to avoid being runny.
- Flavor: The taste of the filling should be rich and satisfying, enhancing the overall pie experience.
Criteria for Pie Categories
- Fruit Pies: Judged on appropriate run-over, properly/thoroughly baked.
- Cream Pies: Meringue or cream toppings should be light, fluffy, and complement the filling without overpowering it.
- Nut/Miscellaneous Pies: Texture and consistency should be pleasing, enhancing the unique flavors and ingredients.