Lindsborg Collects

The concept of “LINDSBORG COLLECTS…LINDSBORG ART” is to celebrate local collectors of art.  The exhibition will relate the stories behind Lindsborg residents’ favorite and unusual works of fine art and crafts by Lindsborg artists.  Organizers are seeking entries for the eleventh “LINDSBORG COLLECTS…” exhibition from anyone in the USD 400 or with a “67456” mailing address who has a piece of Lindsborg art or craft in any medium, is willing to loan it and will share its story for the event.

For this exhibition, the story is as important as the work of art itself.  A story could reflect the Lindsborg arts economy, whether the art was purchased at an estate sale or was bartered.  It could be about the circumstances under which the piece was purchased, the personalities involved, or about tongue-in-cheek moments. Or it could be about the excellent or unusual nature of the piece itself.

The loaned art or craft should be delivered to the Red Barn Studio Museum, 212 S. Main, during regular hours or to SVAFC, 114½ S. Main, Fri, Sat, Sun, 1-5, any time before but no later than Sunday, March 30th.  Arts and crafts may be picked up Sunday, April 27th before 5:00 PM at SVAFC, 114½ S. Main.

Exhibition dates are April 4th-27th. Reception on Sunday, April 6th

For questions contact:
Marsha Howe, 785-906-0504
Carol Gusenius, 785-906-0285
Red Barn Studio, 785-227-2217

**This work of art must be an item collected from another artist. Submissions of your own work will not be accepted.

Find a Printable PDF version of the form here: Lindsborg Collects Printable PDF. Or pick up a form at the Red Barn Studio Museum. Please consider filling out the digital form below to help us avoid the need for manual entry of your handwritten notes. Thank you for your cooperation.