About Us
Our Mission
To promote, support and develop the arts at the local level throughout the Smoky Valley and to provide cultural enrichment for the public.
Our vision
To create a space that informs, celebrates and documents the many cultural activities that take place throughout the Smoky Valley.

The Smoky Valley has a long history of attracting, encouraging and supporting creative people dating back to 1869 when the Swedes migrated to the area. As Elizabeth Jaderborg noted in her book, “Why Lindsborg?”, Lindsborg has been a “haven for artists, both craftsmen and painters” for a long time. The respect for the arts, crafts and folklife that is a central part of Lindsborg’s identity, is unique. The foresight of several Lindsborg people in preserving the arts and crafts of the Smoky Valley and chronicling the knowledge and the history, has produced a distinctive environment for our small Kansas town.”
While the Smoky Valley is a “haven” as Elizabeth Jaderborg notes, SVAFC provides a center for local artists, craftsmen and scholars, on related topics, to have exhibitions, workshops and lectures. SVAFC is a venue for present and future artists, crafters and performers to introduce their work to the community and inspire creativity in all ages. It is a place for educators and experts to share information about Smoky Valley creative people with locals and visitors.
Our Core Values
- Documentation of the arts
- Focus on cultural diversity, innovation & enrichment through lectures, workshops, performances & exhibitions
- Meaningful community engagement
- Sustainability & preservation
- Amplify & promote, programs & activities offered in the Smoky Valley throughout the year
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Our Newsletters will include information for upcoming events, workshops, exhibitions, volunteer opportunities, & more. This is the perfect way to stay up to date with all things happening here at SVAFC!